Healing Therapies
Initial Consultation
In your personal Ayurvedic consultation, you discover your “Dosha” or mind body type, your unique constitutional tendencies towards imbalance, and your unique underlying bio-energies of your physical, mental or emotional issues. You will be given specific diet, yoga, and lifestyle recommendations, to help you regain and maintain balance in mind body and spirt.
90 min
Abhyanga + Marma Massage
Full gentle body massage with warm herbal oils utilizing dosha specific techniques to aid in removing toxins from the body and promoting energy flow. Improves blood circulation, relaxation/rejuvenation, reduces stress and nourishes the skin. The session is completed by placing warm steamed towels over the body to open the pores and allow the body to absorb the herbal oil.
90 min.
Deeply relaxing therapy focusing on the Third Eye. A stream of warm Ayurvedic herbal oil is poured continuously over the forehead to promote physical, emotional, & energetic balance. This technique works to open channels and calm the nervous system. Beneficial in helping with Imbalances, stress, anxiety, depressive state, insomnia, headaches and eye pain, Promotes circulation, and a blissful state of mind.
90 min
Urdvartana+ Swedana
Also known as dry powder scrubbing & Lymphatic Massage. This treatment utilizes a powder made from a combination of Ayurvedic herbs to create a special exfoliating effect that helps reduce the appearance of cellulite and promote fat loss. It is beneficial to remove the Kapha (congestion within the body), to promote circulation, increase skin health and clarity and unblock stuck/ stagnant energy. This therapy is followed with warm steamed towels over the body to assist in the body’s absorption of the herbs and sweating of toxins.
90 min.